Wednesday, April 30, 2014


Apologies for my delay since the last post. Since then I have done two very exciting things: (1) Chopped off all my hair in preparation for our trip to Europe and (2) survived the snowy Midwest in almost-May with completely insufficient footwear. I'm thrilled to be back to warmer temps to enjoy Charlotte's spring and share this post with you...

I have three best friends on this Earth: my closest male friend (the hubs), my closest girl friend, & my four-legged sidekick.

Caleb of course is my main squeeze. Let's face it: he is totally great.

Ann is the greatest chum of all time. I mean, when you can cheers turtles with someone, you know the friendship's going to last. {This is us geocaching in college in Clemson's Experimental Forest.}

Tucker Boy is my best friend with fur. And did I mention he retrieves beers from the fridge, throws away his own trash, and prays before supper time?

All silliness aside, Caleb & Ann play a huge role in my life, and after I mulled over my little seed of an idea for all of two minutes, I hastily grabbed my iPhone to text Ann...

"What should I do with my life?"

Her response: "Be patient."

I knew she was feeling how antsy I was through the phone. I'm flippant, quick to react, and quite honestly... a mess. She is steady and constant with a quiet spirit of contentment. Her wisdom has helped to guide me through many challenges in life, and this was no exception. When my tendency is to quickly attack complacency, she pulls me back to center for the reality check I need.

Yet pushing her wise advice aside momentarily, I shared with her my little seed. The delivery and explanation was as messy as me: "I want to do hands-on, urban, bio-diverse/edible landscape design."


And being the little seed that it was, how could she possibly see the huge vision I had? I fumbled to explain.

"...planting edibles instead of ornamentals where you'd already be investing in landscaping...private yards, corporate grounds, municipal parks..."
"...generating biodiversity in place of monoculture (grass lawns)..."
"...bringing a small slice of organic farming into the city."
"...bringing the outdoors into companies for employee morale."
"...enabling homeowners with limited yard space to grow their own produce without tilling up the yard for a traditional garden, all the while maintaining the beauty of a landscaped yard..."

Without my realizing, it was here in this iMessage brainstorm sesh with the bestie that my little seed started to take root.

Monday, April 14, 2014

what's a little seed?

A hope? An uncertainty?
A question that sprouts into too many answers.
An idea that takes root.
A possibility...

How do we take the fragile little seeds life gives us and nurture them into something deeply grounded, hearty, and durable? And how do we recognize potential in such a tiny capsule with so much unknown in an unpredictable climate?

I found myself at a theoretical crossroads recently and started to ask these questions, along with those daunting questions that we all ask ourselves from time to time: "What am I doing with my life? What is my purpose? How do I take root, grow, & flourish?"

I find the answers I know to be true in Scripture, where I read of a loving, sacrificial Savior who gave up life itself willingly for me. Here I find my purpose and my overall theme: glorify God in all things. But practically, specifically, for me right now, 26 years old in Charlotte, business woman, home renter, dog owner, day dreamer, husband lover... what does that really mean?

It was at this crossroads that I found some answers. I knew I was being called to pursue my passions yet find rest in knowing that I don't know what exactly the plan or potential is. Like a little seed tossed around by the elements, fighting to break through, I'm reliant on God & his miracle of growth to see me through to fruition. And so commences this journey that I hope you'll take with me...