Tuesday, March 10, 2015

preparation & anticipation.

Here in our city, the ice has melted & the sun has started to shine, at least more regularly than it has been. As the temperatures warm, people are emerging from their homes to enjoy the outdoors again after weeks of wet & cold gloominess. Daylight savings has ushered in a season of grilling after work and outdoor festivities with friends, and along with it has come the beginnings of my third trimester of pregnancy.

Early spring has come to be a time of preparation for me as I’ve gotten more interested and involved in gardening & having a yard to tend. It’s important to start making decisions and taking action long before the first seeds break the surface of the soil. Over the past few days, Caleb and I have been making big plans for our yard: taking down some trees to allow more sunshine through, starting construction on a compost bin, drawing up plans for our raised beds, and brainstorming what we’ll plant this season. Soon, I’ll start seeds indoors to move out to the beds so we can enjoy vegetables earlier in the summer, but to protect them from low temperatures that still loom. If we wait until the weather is just right to begin all of our projects, we won’t reap the benefits that we desire.

Yesterday as we were discussing placement for the garden beds in the backyard, I started to feel a sense of urgency. We have little time and much to do! We must tend the ground to make it ready for the advent of spring. We can’t wait for its arrival to start preparing…

This concept reminded me that the same is true for me as a mom. Of course I must prepare the nursery and have the necessary tools in place to care for Rynn (a crib, a carseat, diapers, itty bitty clothes). But what am I doing in my heart to prepare the way for this baby girl? How am I tending the soil of my spirit in anticipation of the blessing that’s about to be born?

Like the alarm going off the morning after we “spring” forward, this is a startling wake up call. If I’m honest with myself, I’ve done very little in preparation for embarking on what I know will be the most challenging but rewarding journey of my life. In a world where social media and the opinions of those around me demand that I make decisions on sleep habits and epidurals and breastfeeding, I’m left with little time for prayer and time in the Word to hear God’s opinions on parenting. I’m so busy taking care of the decisions that will impact my child physically that I have neglected to cultivate the aspect of me that will affect her most: my love.

So as I prepare the garden to nourish my little seeds, I’m resolving to prepare my heart for the little one who will be making her way into the world soon, relying on my care and attention and love to help her grow. May this spring be a reminder to us all to enjoy the moment, but to prepare and anticipate the joys and challenges of the season to come.