The weekdays never go as planned, thank goodness, because they keep me on my toes and leave me with little unexpected moments to cherish. Tonight my evening of an early run (done by 6:30 at the latest, or else...) and getting most of my classwork done for the week ended up like this:
- Leave work late, home around 6:00.
- Start a video of "How God Really Feels About Bikinis" that lasts 8+ minutes.
- Head out for my run at 6:35 & immediately receive a call from the friend I was supposed to call by 6:00.
- Run a couple miles and then stop to walk, call said friend.
- Brother-in-law beeps in / switch lines / talk quickly / call friend back.
- Organize details for Labor Day Weekend in VA with said friend.
- Call back & talk to brother- & sister-in-law.
- Friend in San Francisco calls as I hang up with family, talk until Caleb arrives home.
... it's now 8:15.
Oh yeah, and what the heck are we having for dinner?
Folks, you can never go wrong with tacos. They have been my last minute saving grace on countless nights, and they never get old. In our household, we use chicken or fish, but you have complete flexibility in the meats & toppings that you choose. One of the best things about tacos is that you can utilize what you already have instead of purchasing what's needed for the meal.
Enter SALSA.
Before living in Southern California and before watching 500 episodes of "Chopped" on the Food Network, I had a very limited idea of salsa. I thought it was the stuff they bring out before a meal at your local Mexican restaurant or the stuff people brought in a jar for that Super Bowl party where no one felt like making a homemade dish. I was pleased to discover that salsa can take on many forms & flavors, involving an endless combination of veggies, spices, fruits, and herbs. And when you have a vegetable garden, this can be a great way to use what you have fresh before it goes bad.
Tonight I checked the fridge and noticed I had a few strawberries that were on the verge of spoiling, so I decided to use those for some sweetness. I added in a variety of tomatoes, jalapeños & parsley from the garden, along with freshly chopped garlic, sweet peppers, and onion that I had on hand. I included a touch of salt & cayenne pepper and a quick few drops of olive oil.
Paired with the fish that Caleb grilled and the tortillas we had, our healthy and delicious meal was ready to eat no more than 20 minutes after I got started. The weather was so nice that even though it was dark and despite the giant killer mosquitos that live under our enormous oak & pecan trees that span almost the entire backyard, I lit some citronella candles and pulled the table close to the light of the back deck so we could eat outside.
I even made this girly drink to go with my meal: Straw-Ber-Rita mixed with some prosecco & fresh strawberries.
I'm happy to say that the food and the drink and even the mosquitos seemed to fade in the background as I was finally able to pause and just be with my husband. We prayed over our food and for our loved ones, talked about our todays and our tomorrows and even our years to come. I'm behind on my schoolwork and we've got a full week ahead, but I'm thankful for that spicy strawberry salsa, the time it saved me in the kitchen, and the time it gave me with my man.
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